We give individual tuition to people seeking a professional experienced Yoga & Meditation teacher, and who wish to practice privately in their own space.
We help you to
- prepare the body for a happier life with Classical Yoga
- focus on how to open up the physical body’s resistances and movement blockages
- overcome lethargy and the tendency to just avoid trying what we once found easy.
- build energy and enthusiasm for physical activity
- lay a foundation for true meditation should you choose to take it up; and most people do with our teaching.
What is our Yoga?
Private & Group Consultations in Classical Yoga (and Meditation). We offer only the very best professional teaching, knowledge & services – everything essential & the most advanced & effective practices.
What is Classical Yoga?
So many types of Yoga are offered nowadays in Western countries – it’s like going to a gelati bar and picking your flavour. Question is.. has something been lost or overlooked? We don’t have to go all ‘traditional’, but we might try to find an authentic teacher who has a living practice and can show how it all fits together.
Let’s keep it simple for now… Classical Yoga is the method & practice leading to the conscious union of the Individual self with the Universal Self. So what is the benefit of this? Well, it integrates all of your Body systems, your Mind, the Psyche and the Spirit into a functional harmony. Of course we don’t have to be fully aware of all of the possibilities at the beginning, that’s the teachers role. But real Classical Yoga develops the Individual in some remarkable ways – physically, mentally, psychologically & spiritually.
- A young female lawyer after class mentioned one day. “I have just started yoga and I would like to have a sculpted muscle tone just like you have. No bulk, no ripping, just lean clear muscle definition. Is that what Yoga does?” Yes I said, no bulk, no ripping, just nice muscle definition, and strong. Yoga is all I do, no gym.
- A lady came up after she had been taking classes for a little over 6 months and commented..“I started doing your Yoga after I retired from full-time work, mainly to just keep my body flexible. But over that time a whole lot of increased awareness has opened up. It’s amazing. I just thought I would mention that.”
- Thousands of untold success stories, happy people living their life-way more fully, over many rewarding years of teaching Yoga & Meditation, in the true Classical way.
At YOUR VENUE. We come to you and teach at your venue. We DO NOT offer practice studio facilities. We operate across Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, and travel further on request. The convenience & privacy of your home, studio, workplace, event location, or hotel (for visitors).
In Melbourne, Client appointments Start from 6.00pm evening Monday to Thursday, from 3pm Friday, and all Weekend early ’til late.
Online appointments are matched to mutual requirements.
Please Contact Us to arrange your initial consultation, or to seek more information.
If you have been referred to us, or recommended by a client or associate, please let us know. Our network is wide, but we discretely do not offer testimonials, and we rarely advertise.
What is the current fee schedule ? For Yoga or Meditation | Tuition, Courses or Workshops | Individual or Group | Country.
Fees are for IN-PERSON teaching with Malcolm in and around Melbourne, and also ONLINE across the World: The local individual rate starts at AU$80/hour, plus a moderate charge for travelling to your location if Melbourne based.
Group rates and ONLINE Teaching is always matched to the client’s requirements, abilities & location. Please ask for a Quote.
You don’t have to be 25 years old to start.
Any age person can start Yoga, because you receive personally supervised tuition.
Some motivations which new people start with, or restart, are:-
- To immediately relieve your body of stress & stiffness in a fast efficient way
- A start for an absolute beginner, or a restart after a period, or years, of layoff.
- Improving posture practice and technique – correction of old habits, and negotiation of the new.
- Injury recovery, approach to pain, and overcoming pain barriers.
- Difficult, or aged, joint and muscle rehabilitation or recovery
- Breathing technique and psychological balance.
- Perhaps some of the true yogic techniques which lead consciousness out of just focusing on the physical body
- Perhaps some of the steps which naturally flow from a good physical discipline and into a good mental/meditational discipline.
- These are a few options, but you also have your own interests and concerns, so please bring them along to the lesson.
What is Yoga’s ultimate aim?
Knowing that Yoga’s ultimate aim is to consciously reconnect our sense of separate isolated Individual self back to our Universal Self, how did Yoga become exercise in our current culture?
This kind of question may seem strange to some, but the original idea behind Yoga has a winding path, and physical body culture is one aspect of it. Our physical body is like our house which we wake up to each morning and retire from each night at sleep. The yogic re-connection we are seeking is not found by going far away; what we seek is near at hand. The eternal present is our Universal Self and we experience it in what we call ‘being present’. You know… sometimes we meet someone who has what we call “presence”, a cool, calm, quiet, sharply aware person.
Some people think that Yoga is not Meditation. We say that Meditation is an integral aspect of Yoga, and there are many types of Meditation. Just like in Meditation, the ultimate aim of Yoga is to let go of the past, step back from a speculative future, and to “be here now in this moment”. Yoga challenges us on many levels of being; physical, emotional, mental, comprehensional, volitional, and reflexively self-consciously. And in the overcoming of these challenges we are brought into relation with our Universal Self, and in turn a truly meaningful life. This depth approach was and remains the true purpose of Yoga, and it is our approach here at Melbourne Yoga & Meditation Centre.
Do you wish to begin working with and towards Yoga’s original & ultimate aim? It’s not some strange weird idea. It’s a practical and realistic process and attainable with the Classical Yoga we teach.
What is the current fee schedule ? For Yoga or Meditation | Tuition, Courses or Workshops | Individual or Group | Country.
Fees are for IN-PERSON teaching with Malcolm in and around Melbourne, and also ONLINE across the World: The local individual rate starts at AU$80/hour, plus a moderate charge for travelling to your location if Melbourne based.
Group rates and ONLINE Teaching is always matched to the client’s requirements, abilities & location. Please ask for a Quote.