Spiritual Coaching

Having a Spiritual Philosophy may lead on to Spiritual Coaching.

What is Coaching?

To coach is to assist an individual who has already made a choice about a chosen direction or aim.

Coaching is:-
  • to help in refining the aim,
  • to improve technique,
  • to work alongside in overcoming resistances & obstacles,
  • to encourage taking the next step,
  • to affirm & reaffirm attaining the aim,
  • to ensure weaknesses & deficiencies are eliminated in order for the victory to be gained,
  • to reach the ultimate performance, at whatever level or combination of levels that may be – physical, mental, psychological or spiritual.

What is Spiritual Coaching?

  • Spiritual Coaching is a multifaceted process of
  • building a personal understanding of what Spirit is
  • knowing how the Spirit works in relation with the individual Soul
  • tuning to feel the Spirit
  • refining the Spirit’s aim as it operates through the individual
  • seeing & negotiating resistances & obstacles to Spirit’s aim
  • employing & refining whatever spiritual or other techniques which assist the Spirit’s striving, direction & performance
  • applying the will to continually perfect the Spirit’s function in and through the individual
  • embodying all these stages as an individual
  • returning to Spirit reflexively to re-Source

In What Situation would Spiritual Coaching be of Value?

  • Some individuals come to a moment in life where one or a number of the following viewpoints or questions comes to mind;
  • “What is the ultimate meaning of all this striving and higher & higher performance-ability in my chosen field?
  • “I have overcome so many resistances, I have out-performed so many competitors, I have experienced so many thrills and spills. What is the purpose of continuing?
  • “I have all the trappings of success, apparently. What next?
  • “My body has responded to all of the demands placed upon it, and is still in shape, considering. More to do?
  • “My mind is somewhat clear and has been precise in direction through all of these trials. Could it be better?
  • “I feel accomplished insofar as the challenges presented have been transcended. But there is a nagging!
  • “Now What? What else is there? Do I merely retire to the anthill of history and gaze at the moon, or the ocean, or the sunset?
  • “Is there something missed here? There is a sense that there could be more, but what?
  • “I wonder what the Spirit is moving to develop through me? What is Spirit anyway?”

Next Step?

Spiritual Coaching will challenge your view of yourself, who you are, what could be, what might be the start of a new stage of life.
One session will either severely frustrate you – seeing where you are and yet could be,
Or it will have you stepping up to a new and as yet unforeseen level.